LAA-Meetings 2008 - 2015

Please see below for information concerning the meetings of the Lower Austrians Abroad

2015 LAA Meeting

"Hidden champions - Lower Austria´s youth for the world" was the motto of a meeting of Lower Austrians Abroad at the Landhaus in St. Pölten, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria.
Forty-five Lower Austrians living abroad in 16 countries on three continents participated.

The focus of the event was on creating a network among young cosmopolitan Lower Austrians and Lower Austrians Abroad. 
Among the highlights of the event was the kick-off keynote about young people’s potential for Lower Austria delivered by Prof. Peter Filzmaier. In his speech, Prof. Filzmaier emphasised how important an effective network and dialogue across the generations are for making young people an integral part of society.

An internship exchange established in the course of this meeting was the first concrete contribution to a cross-border network: representatives of the Lower Austria Economic Chamber, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and the Lower Austrian Liaison Office to the EU in Brussels presented a great variety of opportunities for an internship abroad.
The LAAs present also provided valuable advice and recommendations.

Barbara Schwarz, a member of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, commented on the 2015 LAA meeting:

“Travelling and living abroad create new perspectives and foster creativity, language skills and a cosmopolitan mindset. By gaining experience abroad, young people develop their personality while simultaneously acquiring key competences for their professional future. Therefore, I highly appreciate that this year’s LAA meeting connects not only nations, but also generations.”

Damit stand die Vernetzung von jungen weltoffenen Niederösterreichern mit ANÖs im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung. 
Ein Höhepunkt war das Impulsreferat über das Potential der Jugend für Niederösterreich von Prof. Peter Filzmaier. Es zeigte auf, wie gut vernetzt und wie wichtig der Dialog zwischen den Generationen für die gesellschaftliche Einbindung der Jugend ist. 

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings. 

2014 LAA Meeting

"Lower Austria as a research region" - was the slogan of the 20th LAA meeting.

The anniversary was celebrated at the Danube University Krems and the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, from 2 to 4 September 2014.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings. 

2013 LAA Meeting

"Thinking Lower Austrias into the future!"
was the slogan of the 19th LAA meeting, which took place at the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, from 3 to 5 September 2013.

Fifty-one Lower Austrians Abroad living in 17 countries on four continents travelled to the opening event at the museum of the Province of Lower Austria.

The following days were spent discussing the topic of “collaborations between Lower Austria and the world” in small working groups.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings. 

ANÖ-Treffen 2012

"Young and old - strong TOGETHER" 
was the slogan of the LAA meeting at the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, in September 2012.

2012 was the “European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations”, which also informed the debates of the working groups of this LAA meeting on topics such as demographic developments, culture and youth research.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings. 

ANÖ-Treffen 2011

"Communication 2011+" 
was the slogan of the 17th Lower Austrians Abroad meeting, which was held at the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, from 30 August to 1 September 2011.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings.

ANÖ-Treffen 2010

The 16th Lower Austrians Abroad meeting took place at the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, from 31 August to 2 September 2010.

The slogan was “Blue and yellow across the world – new paths into the future!”

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings.

ANÖ-Treffen 2009

The 15th Lower Austrians Abroad meeting took place in St. Pölten from 1 to 3 September 2009.

The meeting started with a visit to the closing event of an exhibition by artist Marie Luise Lebschik. The artist was born in St. Pölten and has lived in Cologne (Germany) since 1982.

The central topic of the day dedicated to work sessions held on the premises of the Lower Austria Economic Chamber was: “15 years of LAA meetings – fellow citizens abroad as a driving force for the economy, education and culture”.

In three working groups about 80 experts from Lower Austria as well as LAAs brainstormed about potential joint projects in fields such as business and technology (environmental technology), art, culture, research, education and youth.

At the closing event, Governor Erwin Pröll addressed his fellow Lower Austrians in a very personal speech. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for their contributions and also shared his far-reaching vision for the future of Lower Austria with them.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings.

ANÖ-Treffen 2008

The 14th Lower Austrians Abroad meeting was held in the government quarters in St. Pölten and Altenburg Abbey from 2 to 4 September 2008.

A visit to the exhibition “Homeland as transformation and identity” at “Ausstellungsbrücke”, a gallery at the Landhaus, the seat of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten, kicked off the meeting. Artist Ilse Kory exhibited a selection of paintings by artists living abroad.

The central topic of the day of work sessions was “Lower Austria – land of abbeys”. Lower Austria’s abbeys are not only spiritual, but also economic, cultural and educational centres.
The work sessions served as a joint framework to establish a great variety of offers.

In several working groups about 90 experts from Lower Austria as well as LAAs brainstormed about potential joint projects in fields such as business and technology, art and culture as well as education and youth.

The 14th meeting was closed with a festive ceremony in the assembly hall of the Provincial Parliament in St. Pölten.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access documents, minutes, lists of participants and a photo gallery of past LAA meetings.

Please contact us

Office of the State Government of Lower Austria
International & European Affairs
Landhausplatz 1 3109 St. Pölten E-Mail:
Tel: 02742/9005-13489
Fax: 02742/9005-13610
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