Conference Working Community of the Danube Regions-26th June 2019-Bucharest - a Review
Conference: “Working Community of the Danube Regions – the voice of regions in the Danube area”
Lower Austria as Chairing Region
On 26th June 2019 a conference of the Working Community of Danube Regions took place in Bucharest in the Parliament Building as an official side event of the 8. EUSDR Annual Forum.

Under the motto „Working Community of the Danube Regions – the voice of regions in the Danube area“ the representative of the current chairing region -Lower Austria- presented the history and work of the Working Community with emphasis on its added value for danubian regions.
Later on participants had the possibility to meet cross-border and transnational projects from the member regions of the Working Community:
DBS Gateway Region – a regional and transport development project in the Danube Black Sea Region the European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA) and the Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region (SONDAR) with their aim increasing the responsibility for land and soils. A Summer School on Biodiversity as a cooperation between the technical Universities of Vienna and Bucharest, the Energy Future Tour – a study trip in the field of energy. Some transnational cultural projects such as the touring exhibiton DANUBE Cartoons and the initiative European Capitals of Culture were presented before a panel discussion about the connection of the Working Community of the Danube Regions and the European Strategy of Danube Regions but also about the future developments of the presented projects und of the danubian area took place.
You can find the presentations in the Downloads Area.
- Download: Working Community of the Danube Regions - the voice of regions in the danube area - Stummer (pdf, 0.5 MB)
- Download: Soil protection on regional and local level - Steiner (pdf, 2.3 MB)
- Download: SONDAR Soil Strategy Network in the Danube Region - Szlezak (pdf, 2.9 MB)
- Download: Energy / E-Mobility - Blondiau (pdf, 3.1 MB)
- Download: Ideas to contribute to development in disfavored districts of the Danube Region - Breiling (pdf, 4.5 MB)
- Download: Regional and Transport Development in the Danube-Black Sea Region - Narval (pdf, 1.3 MB)
- Download: Culture Projects Touring Exhibition - Krejcova (pdf, 1.3 MB)
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