

A gamekeeper is a person, who has been notified as such to the competent authority by the as tasked by the person having the sole license to hunt a certain hunting ground. They have the status of a public guard, and as such, they have to perform police duties. They are the “extended arm” of the competent authority, when it comes to compliance with the provisions of hunting law. 

The main tasks of a gamekeeper are:

  • Monitoring the compliance with wildlife protection rules
  • Monitoring the compliance with regulations and official orders
  • Monitoring the compliance with other relevant provisions, especially criminal law
  • Taking care of the game
  • Protection of game from poachers and predators 

Gamekeepers are entitled and obliged to notify the competent authority of infringements of regulations. For example they have to report people whose dogs are running free in the forest because they are a threat to the game. Under certain provisions they also have the right to arrest persons who have violated hunting regulations in order to present them to the police to establish their identity. 

Under the provisions of the NÖ Jagdgesetz 1974 there has to be a gamekeeper appointed for every hunting ground. For every hunting ground that is larger than 3000 ha, additionally to a professional hunter at least one full time gamekeeper needs to be appointed for every additional 1000 ha.

Certificate of professional competence or certificate of training of an EU member state or the Swiss confederation.


14.30 € for the application plus 3.90 € for each 4 sheets DIN-A-4 attached to the application

State administrative fee for the grant of the entitlement

Art. 65 and 67a of the Lower Austrian Hunting Law (§§ 65 and 67a NÖ Jagdgesetz 1974)

Sending of an application including the required documents to the competent authority. Examination conducted by the competent authority whether the foreign qualification is equivalent. Decree in which the equivalence is being observed or possibly necessary suitability tests or training for adjustment to the job are proposed.

  1. a) Nationality of an EU member state, an EEA contracting party or the Swiss Confederation
    b) Citizenship of a non-EU country that is treated equally in terms of the recognition of professional qualifications under European Union law or under a State Treaty
  2. Proof of competence or training equivalent to Article 13 (1), (2) or (3) of Directive 2005/36 / EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.

Authentication or signature of the application is not required.

An appeal is possible against rulings issued by an authority and shall be filed by the party within a four weeks term with the authority that issued the ruling of first instance (against rulings without investigation procedure within a two weeks term). The term starts with the receipt of the written copy of he ruling, in the case of oral pronouncement simultaneously with it.  

The appeal shall indicate the ruling it contests, the authority that issued the ruling and contain a motion of appeal with the reasons. No more appeal is admissible if the party expressly waived the right of appeal after receipt or pronouncement of the ruling.  

Each ruling contains instructions on the right to appeal and indicates the authority and the deadline for submission of such appeal.


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Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 5.6.2024
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